My dad loves Bogey, and I love my dad!
Peter Thompson is the reason I'm a cartoonist. When I was six, my father, who through no fault of his own is English, went across the pond on a business trip and returned to American soil with a book. You may have heard of it.

He couldn't have picked a better book. And what's more? I owe my love of Warner Bros. Cartoons, the best cartoons ever made, and Monty Python, the best sketch comedy ever made, to my father.

We should all be so lucky to have a father like mine. The man gave so much to me and my sister, and hasn't stopped. Look what a happy family he made!
When I was little, my creative endeavors were, let's be fair, unrealistic for a first grader. I wanted to make movies and cartoons, and as difficult as it must have been in the early 80's my father managed to find a way to create an environment that I could do so in. The value of that is immeasurable and neither words, funny drawings or years and years of thanks would ever accurately get that across. But it's sure worth trying.

Also, today is the first Father's Day for Booo Tooon Marooon M.G. Nunnery. Matthew is going to be a great father, as proven by the fact that he already is.
We need more good dads out there, and I'm delighted that I've gotten to know two of the best.